时间:2022-05-12 09:19:46 栏目:留学资讯举加州系统学校为例,对于高中生学术背景的要求 如下,可以拿起成绩单对比下吧 ?你的孩子满足美国本科对高中生的学术要求吗 ?
"A-G" Requirements
The “a-g” requirements, also called Academic Subject Requirements, represent the minimum academic preparation you must meet to be eligible for admission to the University of California.
A. Two years of history/social science — One year of world or European history, cultures and geography, and one year of U.S. history or one half-year of U.S. history and one half-year of American government or civics 2年的历史/社会科学
B. Four years of English 4年的英语
C. Three years of mathematics (four years recommended) — Must include algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra 3年数学(推荐四年)
D. Two years of laboratory science (three years recommended) — Must include two of these three subjects: biology, chemistry, and physics 2年的实验室科学
E. Two years of a language other than English (three years recommended) — The second year or higher of the same language must be completed to fulfill this requirement 2 年英语以外的二外 (推荐三年)--相对中国学生就是3年英语
F. One year of visual and performing arts — A yearlong course chosen from the following: dance, drama/theater, music, visual art, or interdisciplinary arts一年的视觉表演艺术
G. One year of college preparatory electives一年大学预备课程选修