时间:2022-05-12 09:20:30 栏目:留学资讯Tesol 专业一直是近年来最火的专业 ,吸引着众多学子前去英国学习 。那么Tesol张印鹏老师带着你们逛逛爱丁堡大学的tesol专业吧。
Aims and who this programme is for(那么Tesol这个专业到底适合什么样子的学生呢?)
The MSc TESOL aims to produce talented teaching professionals whose skills, knowledge and practice are informed by world-leading research. Our graduates subsequently make a significant contribution to English language teaching and research across the globe.
The MSc TESOL will enable students to:(Tesol 的教学方向如下)
analyse the theory and practice of TESOL in relation to classroom practice and/or teacher education and supervision
critically evaluate the literature in the field of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Develop their critical appraisal of English language teaching practices
Apply the knowledge gained in the programme to their own past or future teaching context
consider ways of modifying their practice of TESOL and teacher education for TESOL in the light of developing theory and the changing conditions in which they operate
share the rich experiential knowledge which they bring to the course, in order to identify solutions to TESOL-related problems
Work independently in a specific area of interest to them
design and implement a research project
Who is the programme for? 那么Tesol专业到底是什么样的学科呢?
The TESOL masters programme is aimed both at those already teaching English as a foreign, second or additional language, and those who wish to embark on a career in this area.
Therefore this masters degree is aimed at:因此这个研究生的学位是针对于
All experienced TESOL teachers (a teacher of English as a foreign, second or additional language) at a school or in further/higher education and those who are wishing to embark on a career in TESOL.
All TESOL teachers concerned with teacher training, management, course design and assessment.
所有Tesol的老师们都会涉及到教学训练,管理 ,课程涉及以及课程及学生的评估
Study options提示
Note: All taught courses worth 20 credits require 200 hours' work. Of this normally about 24 hours are lectures and workshops, and the rest is independent study and assignment writing.
This will be awarded to those who successfully complete all compulsory courses, two option courses and a dissertation (total 180 credits).
完成了所有的必修课和两门选修课和一个毕业论文的学生将授予TESOl研究生硕士学位一共一百八十个学分 论文占50 选修20 必修110
Masters level courses
Note that the 10 credits proposal is normally taken in Semester 2 prior to the progression decision but counts as part of the MSc credits rather than the taught component (120 credits).有十个学分的计划是要在第二学期前决定作为msc学分的一部分 但不属于课程组件
Compulsory courses必修课
The programme has five compulsory courses [total 80 credits], which run mostly in Semester 1. Here are PDFs with details of each course:
· TESOL Methodology [20 credits] tesol 教学方法
· Language and the Learner [20 credits] 语言学习
· Second Language Teaching Curriculum [20 credits] 第二语言教学课程
· Research Methods (Part 1): Sources of knowledge [10 credits] 研究方法1 专业知识来源
· Research Methods (Part 2): Conceptualising research [10 credits] 研究方法2 研究形成
Students choose two options, which run in Semester 2:第二学期
Evaluation and Design of TESOL Materials [20 credits] 教学材料的设计与评价
Global Englishes for Language Teaching [20 credits]全球英语
Investigating Individual Learner Differences [20 credits] 调查独立学习者差异
Language Awareness for Second Language Teachers [20 credits] 语言意识
Language and Culture Pedagogy [20 credits] 语言学和文化教育学
Language Testing [20 credits] 语言测试
Online Language Learning [20 credits] 在线语言学习
Second Language Teacher Education [20 credits]第二语言教师教育
Teaching Text Across Borders [20 credits] 跨国教学
Theory and Practice of Second Language Learning [20 credits]第二语言学习的理论与实践
Please note that most of these options will run every year, but some years some of them may be unavailable.
Masters level
Students then progress to the Masters level, involving:
· Research Methods (Part 3): Planning research [10 credits]
Dissertation [50 credits]
Masters students will complete their degree in August.八月份完成所有Master学位
The dissertation is a piece of independent research of 15,000 words. Students may choose any TESOL-related topic that is of interest to them and of relevance to their teaching context. Here are some examples of the sort of topic students choose:
How to apply intercultural pragmatics in Business English speaking classes in a Polish private school.
Investigating grammatical and structural errors in argumentative writing of 2nd year Chinese English major students.
Adapting an Egyptian primary school EFL (English as a Foreign Language) coursebook by adding authentic texts and communicative exercises.
TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers’ beliefs about the effectiveness of group work in a Japanese secondary school.
Students’ reactions to feedback in an online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teacher-training course.
Applicants must achieve
UK 2:1/1st honours degree or an equivalent overseas qualification, for example: China - 80-85%+; (Applicants must achieve 85% in taught courses with 80% in dissertation from non-211 institutions, over 80% in both from 211 institutions)学生平均分 非211大学要达到85 211大学达到80 但此要求不是绝对还要根据各方面的软性条件做最终判定
IELTS minimum score雅思要求 总分7.0 写作不低于6.5 其他单项不低于6)
IELTS total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in “writing” and at least 6.0 in the other modules)
学术背景:福州大学 对外汉语专业
申请院校: Oxford university Edinburgh university
由于本科是对外汉语专业,所以李同学对自己的留学目标比较谨慎,一直在选择专业上向我询问。在得知他想申请名校之后,在和他的沟通中我一再对李同学的优秀之处进行赞扬,比如她优秀的专业课成绩和奖学金。从她的经历中挖掘她的优势,在与李同学建立了良好的沟通之后,我发现她对于自己的本专业还是很喜欢的。因为这个专业是中国特有的,并横跨了中文,英文和教育三个领域。而且对于她的专业,她也有着丰富的实习经历。她曾经作为志愿者 辅导外国人学习中文。因此我建议她选择TESOL-涉及英语、教育、文化的跨学科专业为申请方向。
这次英语教学经历让李同学充分的喜欢上了英语教学,也坚定了自己的专业选择。而选校方面李同学的要求是TOP50的学校,之后我分析了他的背景 条件和选校要求之后,为他制定了选校计划。因为他选择的专业在前50的学校中并非都有设置,所以在文书写作中,我帮助他挖掘出教学评估及评估工具中的思考 与实践,重点展现了李同学对于语言教育的认识和对教育事业的热爱。